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The drive to the Lauterbrunnen Valley in Switzerland was well worth it! The staff at our hotel were extremely welcoming. After taking in the beautiful views from our room, we enjoyed a lesson on traditional Swiss cheese fondue. We learned how to correctly make it and taste it, and followed with a delicious traditional Swiss dinner. We spent the remainder of our evening at the only local pub relaxing with some of the other couples on our tour and watching the base jumpers from all around the world socialize after a daring day of jumping off cliffs.

Our first morning in Switzerland began with a brisk hike up the Swiss Alps. The views from atop the mountains were unlike anything we had ever experienced. We loved experiencing the local culture. We passed loggers driving logs down the narrow roads of the mountain, cows with bells on (yes they do still call the cows home at night), and came upon a cheese factory on the side of the mountain. 

We stopped along the way at a chalet to enjoy some Swiss hot chocolate and rest our legs for a little while before continuing on to Grutschalp where we enjoyed a beer before taking the tram back down to the valley.

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